1) On the 2nd computer, the encrypted version of Contacts.fp3 with the AMN... title appears to be fully synced, and the correct size in kilobytes. But BoxCryptor won't pick it up. (I didn't mention 3rd computer because I'd forgotten, but it also had trouble syncing that same file, but eventually it got it, not sure how; I restarted box cryptor and dropbox and rebooted, but not sure what actually fixed it, maybe just time). 2nd computer still hasn't synced even though it's been a day, and the encrypted file appears fine, and restarts, etc.
2) Thanks very much. Very helpful. If I would choose to not use filename encryption (which I saw mentioned somewhere on these forums, but I'm not sure how to do) then could I access the conflicted files?
3) OK. Understood that this isn't your deal. The "Events page" isn't helpful, it just says things like: " You added the file AMNkTRxhk6HPVC6dck9 (hydra01's conf...1-09-27 (1)). 9/27/2011 3:48 AM
You added the file AMNkTRxhk6HPVC6dck9 (hydra01's conf... 2011-09-27). 9/27/2011 3:48 AM"
4) Ah, thanks for the info.
FWIW I will also mention that the 3rd computer's name is bootcampxp, and in addition to .encfs6.xml there's ".encfs6 (bootcampxp's conflicted copy 2011-09-23).xml"
Diffing these files I see .encfs6.xml creator is "BoxCryptor" and the conflicted one is "BoxCryptor", and the encodedKeyData and saltData values are different.