I don't see the encryption speed as I only read and write to the plain folder.
the process works as follows:
Plain folder
2nd copy Bidrectional sysnc
Local encrypted folder
SafeSync bidirectional sysnc with cloud.
The process works upward and downwards as I can add an encripted file from a remote pc the Safesysnc cloud sever and after about 5 mins it will appaer in my local plain folder.
The delay being built in to the save sysnc sofwear to prevent to much syncing of temp files.
2nd Copy is the weak link as it is not good at sencing changes coming back down from the cloud through boxcrytor. I am looking at replacing it with Freefilesync realsync option.
If Boxcrytor had the option to revers the direction of the encription ie so the mounted drive was encrypted and the source folder plain I could remove the 2nd copy part as follows:
Plain folder
SafeSync bidirectional sysnc with cloud.
The early versions of safesysnce could not workthis way as if Boxcryptor failed it would assume all the file on the drive had been deleted and delete them on the cloud sever.
They say they have now chnged this but I have not had chance to test it.
I hope this helps