I installed just over the old version and started it. It only took a split second.
That's how the log looked like:
20:33:6343 | Mounting...
20:33:6811 | Mounted
20:33:6811 | GetVolumeSize : 283291640 | 236194064
20:33:6811 | GetVolumeSize : 283291640 | 236194064
20:33:6811 | FlushFileBuffers :
20:33:8683 | Checking Size Limit...
20:33:8683 | Enabling File Watcher...
20:33:9103 | GetFileInfo : \autorun.inf | False | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 0 | CallbackFS.CBFS_LARGE_INTEGER | 0
20:33:9103 | GetFileInfo : \AutoRun.inf | False | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 0 | CallbackFS.CBFS_LARGE_INTEGER | 0
20:33:9259 | 0 OpenFile : explorer.exe | \ | Open | Synchronize | 0 | ReadWrite, Delete
20:33:9259 | 0 OpenFile : explorer.exe | \ | Open | Synchronize | 0 | ReadWrite, Delete
Thereafter I did a reboot and again started At the first few tries, i've been waiting somewhat over 10 to 15 minutes, before rebooting again.
The log:
20:36:8259 | Mounting...
20:36:8727 | Mounted
20:36:8883 | GetVolumeSize : 283291640 | 236194048
20:36:8883 | GetVolumeSize : 283291640 | 236194048
20:36:8883 | FlushFileBuffers :
Just while writing this post, finally finished the startup process.
The log:
20:36:8259 | Mounting...
20:36:8727 | Mounted
20:36:8883 | GetVolumeSize : 283291640 | 236194048
20:36:8883 | GetVolumeSize : 283291640 | 236194048
20:36:8883 | FlushFileBuffers :
20:45:4452 | Checking Size Limit...
20:45:4462 | Enabling File Watcher...
20:46:4844 | GetFileInfo : \autorun.inf | False | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 0 | CallbackFS.CBFS_LARGE_INTEGER | 0
20:46:4864 | GetFileInfo : \AutoRun.inf | False | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 0 | CallbackFS.CBFS_LARGE_INTEGER | 0
20:46:4984 | 0 OpenFile : explorer.exe | \ | Open | Synchronize | 0 | ReadWrite, Delete
20:46:5014 | 0 OpenFile : explorer.exe | \ | Open | Synchronize | 0 | ReadWrite, Delete
There is something happening after or during the first "FlushFileBuffers".
And still, the startup on my i7 Desktop and even the Server with Atom 330 CPU only takes a few seconds at max.
BTW: for the testI have started BoxCryptor manually.
After the tests I put BoxCryptor back into the autostart and have been most suprised, that, after rebooting (tried it several times), it takes only a minute, until it has started up completely now.
The log:
21:26:2308 | Mounting...
21:26:3244 | Mounted
21:26:8392 | GetVolumeSize : 283291640 | 236194216
21:26:8548 | GetVolumeSize : 283291640 | 236194216
21:26:8704 | FlushFileBuffers :
21:26:6800 | 0 OpenFile : Dropbox.exe | \ | Open | Synchronize | 0 | ReadWrite, Delete
21:26:6017 | Checking Size Limit...
21:26:6017 | Enabling File Watcher...
21:26:6437 | GetFileInfo : \autorun.inf | False | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 0 | CallbackFS.CBFS_LARGE_INTEGER | 0
21:26:6593 | GetFileInfo : \AutoRun.inf | False | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 01.01.0001 00:00:00 | 0 | CallbackFS.CBFS_LARGE_INTEGER | 0
21:26:6593 | 0 OpenFile : explorer.exe | \ | Open | Synchronize | 0 | ReadWrite, Delete
21:26:6593 | 0 OpenFile : explorer.exe | \ | Open | Synchronize | 0 | ReadWrite, Delete