Suppose I already access my Dropbox BoxCryptor folder on my Mac OS X box using Mac Fusion and EncFS. Do I have to do something with either of those before running the new BoxCryptor Mac OS X installer?
Hi ralvy,
You don't have to do any specific before installing BoxCryptor for Mac OS X. Mac Fusion will be replaced automatically by the new OSXFuse.
So I can assume that EncFS is still used in this situation and not to be uninstalled?
I can't thank you enough for BoxCryptor.
Thanks alot! Yes, "under the hood" BoxCryptor for Mac OS X still uses EncFS so if you uninstall it before, BoxCryptor for Mac OS X will install it again ;)
Installation went well and I have easy access to my BoxCryptor files on my Mac Lion box now. I see I still have the installed. Is it okay to uninstall it now? I see the Fuse for OS X Preferences pane is installed. I also see that Fuse for OS X is upgradable. I assume that would be unwise.
I uninstalled and its allied support files and everything is fine. I was just worried that perhaps BoxCryptor used some part of, but was pretty sure this wasn't the case.