@coAch23: As part of the new pricing, BoxCryptor for Mobile is now completely free without paid restrictions and BoxCryptor for Desktop can now be used free to encrypt as many files as you want. On the other hand, creating new folders with filename encryption is now reserved for BoxCryptor Unlimited customers and can only be done on the Desktop. Existing BoxCryptor Folders with filename encryption can still be used.
Two possible workarounds for your problem are:
1) Manually downgrade to the previous version of BoxCryptor for Android and continue to use BoxCryptor for Android as before. You can download it here: http://www.boxcryptor.com/download/BoxCryptor_16_v1.2.2.apk.zip
2) Purchase BoxCryptor Unlimited, create a new BoxCryptor Folder with filename encryption enabled and then copy the BoxCryptor Folder to your One X.
@Hbenditsky: In order to open files from BoxCryptor with other apps, these apps must be registered to receive these files via "Open In". This is basically the case for most file types and apps, e.g. it works for Word files and Pages and FileMaker files and FileMaker Go.
If you want to edit those files in other apps and upload the changed files with BoxCryptor again, these apps have to support "Open In" so that you can send the changed file to BoxCryptor. Not all apps do support this, e.g. while DocsToGo does, Pages and FileMaker Go do _NOT_ offer a way to send the files back to BoxCryptor.
BoxCryptor for iOS will show the actual filenames wether they are encrypted or not. A possible workflow could be:
1) Install BoxCryptor for Windows
2) Purchase BoxCryptor Unlimited and enter the serial number (http://www.boxcryptor.com/download)
3) Create a new BoxCryptor Folder (with filename encryption) in your Dropbox
4) Store Word and FileMaker files in the BoxCryptor Drive "Z"
5) Install BoxCryptor for iOS on your iPad
6) Connect to your Dropbox
7) Open the BoxCryptor Folder
8.1) Open a Word file and choose "Open In DocsToGo"
8.2) Edit the file in DocsToGo
8.3) When finished editing the file choose "Open In BoxCryptor" in order to re-encrypt and re-upload the edited file to Dropbox
9.1) Open a FileMaker file and choose "Open In FileMaker Go"
9.2) View the file in FileMaker Go
Hope I could help you.