I'm about to purchase an FTP capable NAS, and my hope is that I can get Boxcryptor to work with said NAS. Here's all that I'd like to do: 1) I'd like automated backups from my Windows XP, Vista & 7 machines to go into an encrypted folder. 2) I'd like a storage area for documents, music and other files that I just want to keep available-but encrypted-on my network. 3) I'd like all of this to be available to me when I'm off-network (especially stuff from #2). 4) I'd like to back this all up to Google Drive. I can get numbers 1, 3 & 4 to happen without Boxcryptor (I could use CrashPlan or Duplicati for number 1, and my new NAS should be able to handle the rest.), but I was wondering:
Is anybody running a similar setup? Are there known issues when trying something like this?
I'm just hoping to get an idea of what to expect before I plunk down some cash on a new NAS. I prefer using opensource software, for security reasons, so I'd really like to use Boxcryptor with my setup. Any tips on which NASes play nice with Boxcryptor would also be very helpful!