A word on restrictions in the latest version and the policy on advertising the changes here.
No doubt that a free version has to have limitations as the company has to earn money on a product and the 2GB limit was quite a generous one.
The announced change to unlimited size and 'completely free private use' however omits the, to my view, more important restriction on file name encryption (as well the changelog does not).
Quote :
"BoxCryptor can now be used FOR FREE by private users on all plattforms. Former restictions such as limited encryption volume or uploads restrictions in the mobile apps have been loosened".
This is not correct, sorry. Restrictions have been exchanged.
To be serious, you should mention that one essential feature, and filenames are one concerning EncFS, has been restricted, otherwise you generate a wrong picture. In fact the new free version is more crippled than 1.3.1 was.