Further problems! This was the first one.
I can log in successfully to Boxcryptor and it creates the virtual drive, but I cannot open the drive or copy files to it. "Z:\is not accessible. Access is denied"
Posted 2 days ago #
Key Master
This is a known bug which occurs in v1.3.2 under special circumstances. Please try if you still have this problem with the beta for v1.4 because it should contain a fix for it. You can download it here:
Best regards,
Thanks to Robert I did get the program functioning on my computer with the new version of the software. That was step one.
The next step was to install the android app on my Nexus 7. The problem now is that after putting in my password I can access my encrypted Dropbox folder, but the file does not decrypt when I click on it. I get a message saying decryption is happening, but I get garbage output - same as if I try to access it directly without going through Boxcryptor authentication.
I really like this concept, but it seems a bit buggy?? Any thoughts?