I access a PC over Remote desktop so I am logging on to that PC. This PC has Boxcryptor installed with a drive letter 'Z:\'.
I am trying to automate a batch file that is run on a schedule. This batch file looks for files within the Z: drive and does something with the files. When I am logged on to the PC, this process works fine.
The problem comes when I try and run the '.bat' files though Windows Scheduler after I have logged off of the PC. The drive letter seems then NOT to be accessible.
The only logical thing that I can think of is that when I am not logged on, the Boxcryptor drive letter is not available and therefore the process fails? Can you confirm that this is the case and if so, are there any workarounds to this problem i.e. I need to be able to log off of the PC but still ensure that the Boxcryptor drive is available for the PC to access?
Many thanks