I've been using EncFS on a Mac since 9/2008 (and very happy to pay you to manage this in future!).
My questions:
1. can I install BoxCryptor (release version) without uninstallling what I already have?
2. since I have already done the above, and find BoxCryptor and my old installation seem to work together, is there any reason to try and uninstall what I had before?
I've had to tinker endlessly to keep EncFS running up to Mac Lion, so I am not 100% sure what I have installed now, but I think I have this:
* MacFusion Version 1.2 Beta 3 (1.1.268)
User interface to manage MacFuse volumes
using because newer v2 found not to work with EncFS plugin
* EncFS.Fusion 0.4.5 plugin for MacFusion from ChuckKnowsBest.com
is in /Library/Application Support/MacFusion/PlugIns (installer puts it there, or user's library and I moved it)
see ReadMe in installer for more info
* EncFS-10.5-2.0.0 from ChuckKnowsBest.com
support for EncFS (1.3.2-1) for Mac OS X
see ReadMe in installer for more info
* FUSE for OS X (OSXFUSE) v 2.5.4
all running under Mac OSX v 10.7.5 Lion