When starting the setup of BoxCryptor 1.5.405.136 the defaylt language is in Cyrillic. After I selected English as the setup language the next screen still is in Cyrillic.
Could you please correct this, because now I am not able to read the messages from the setup program.
could you provide us more information?
Which Windows Version you are using? Language?
Does this problem occurs in the application itself as well?
Many thanks for your report,
Same problem here.
Using Windows 7 32 bit. Could send some screenshots. But don´t know how on this forum.
Aborted the install, because i can´t read what i am installing. So i don´t know if it occurs in the application as well.
Gr. Arjan
Can you try if this build has the same problem?
Thanks, Robert
Thanks, that one worked fine. The pop-up in Cyrillic was probably the one that states that Boxcryptor was still running and must be shut down before continuing. This time all in the selected language, English.