I would like to use Boxcryptor on Android in off-line in the same manner as on Windows PC via Dropbox. I explain what I mean. I want to be able to access my encrypted files on phone/tablet through Boxcryptor Android app while being OFFLINE. And after getting Internet connection all the changes that were made during off-line on phone/tablet should automatically sync to Dropbox cloud (with the help of Boxcryptor + Dropbox apps).
Whenever I try to open Boxcryptor Android app when Internet connection is off the app shows message: "Could not create Dropbox connection: Network error.".
Apparently it is because in my case Boxcryptor Android app is linked with my Dropbox and not with SD storage (on phone).
Am I doing something wrong? Or the current Boxcryptor Android app cannot work offline simultaneously with encrypted files on phone and at the same time also make syncing to Dropbox cloud?
I am using free version of Boxcryptor for Android app.
I hope I made myself clear... but the main question is that I want the same funcionality (offline + auto-sync) on Android device as on Windows PC.