I'm new to BoxCryptor and I find it to be a great solution for uploading files to the cloud. At this moment I'm using BoxCryptor to backup my personal data in Dropbox. How could Dropbox get access to one of my unencrypted files? Well, I'm a KeePass user, and my password database is part of my backup data set. What would happen if I lose my KeePass database? Simply put, my BoxCryptor backup would be useless as I wouldn't have any means to decrypt it...
Part of the solution is uploading my KeePass database both as part of the backup dataset and unencrypted in my Dropbox root directory. Yes, now my KeePass database is a clear text message with respect my BoxCryptor data...
Hence my question: how easy would it be to break the AES256 encryption key of my BoxCryptor data provided that the attacker had access to one of my unencrypted files?
Kind regards,