I am not sure where you intend to track comments, so I am just going to start here. I first realized today that a new version 2 is coming out. I learned of this through your public Twitter announcement regarding the Chrome extension.
Please be advised that Chrome would not allow me to install the extension. I went to the development page to install the recommended version over my existing version, however I could not determine if that worked or not.
I have set up my account on the new website but I am not clear as to how much I can do with it as of yet. Nor am I clear of exactly what happens with my existing Boxcryptor 1.X files (x because I do not recall which version we are up to).
On my Android device, I downloaded and installed the Alpha app. There does not seem to be a way to lock down the app on the device with a 4 digit pin.
On the Website, logging in from the PC, I do not see how to add a device(s).
Those are my observations so far. Looking forward to seeing all of the kinks getting worked out. Thank you.