I had downgraded to v1.5.411.151 to avoid the MS Excel and other MS Office problems that end up crashing the system. Now understood v1.6.400.53 avoided these problems by going to the old version of some driver?
Anyway, I now see this MS Word saving problem on a local Boxcryptor folder. About half the time when I Ctrl-S to save a file rather than saving the dialog for where to save it pops up. If I close that and Ctrl-S again it usually works, but sometimes I get the dialog again. Sometimes it tells me it can't save because of permission problems. If I try again it works.
Another similar behavior is I Ctrl-S to save a readonly file. Dialog pops up as it should. I navigate to another folder and click Save. The dialog pops up again back at the original folder location and the file was not saved. If I go through it again it usually works but sometimes takes a few attempts.
Would be great to get this fixed!