i decrypted it (haha)
Hi there,
Boxcrytor installed on Win7. Virtual Drive X: \ Dropbox created.
Right-click on these files can encrypt and appear green. So far so good.
However, I would like to decrypt the files again - right click -> BoxCryptor -> decode - opens a window that allows me to decryption path (Path to deencrypt) with "OK" and nothing else happens. I mean, the file is still encrypted before. Problem exists in both a single file and in an encrypted folder.
What is going wrong here?
Thanks in advance.
Posted 4 days ago #
Hi, exactly the same problem here. Almost looks as if the aufpoppende dialog box just a placeholder for a feature that has yet to be developed ...
1 Copy to decrypt folders from the virtual BoxCryptor drive to a location outside the BoxCryptor drive (it is automatically decrypted)
2 To be decrypted folder from the virtual drive BoxCryptor delete (previously verify that everything has been copied properly and can also be opened without BoxCryptor, so it is not encrypted)
3 Now insert copied unencrypted folder back to the desired location, but not on the BoxCryptor drive, but directly via Dropbox / other folder - just so he remains unencrypted
After the folder is displayed on the BoxCryptor drive, but not in green - ie it is unencrypted and therefore has no more FolderKey.bch file.
Posted 2 days ago #
Another note to the workaround above: Interestingly, appears in step 2, the actual folder on my (unencrypted) desktop in green. If you click, it will display the folder, right-click the Properties and then click the Advanced Encryption - Windows I suppose. This check mark I have removed so that the folder is not encrypted.
Posted 2 days ago #
Key Master
1) We are just flat, to implement the "Decrypt" functionality from the context menu. Mistakenly, the entry in the context menu was displayed in a page (and equipped with the wildcard functionality of the window). Currently, this entry was removed, but we are confident that he will soon reappear - then with the full functionality.
2) The fact that even after removing a file copy from the BoxCryptor drive is still "green", is a "feature" in Windows Explorer (preferably Windows 7). The green font color comes from the fact that we specify the file attribute "encrypted" for encrypted files in BoxCryptor drive. If you copy a file using Windows Explorer from the drive "remembers" the explorer that the file was encrypted and saves the new file is also encrypted - but not with BoxCryptor, but with the Windows EFS own. Quasi-after (not quite wrong) way: "What is once encrypted, remains encrypted - just different." If you copy the file from other programs (eg via the command line) does not exhibit this behavior. We are currently determining whether and how to improve this behavior. Until then, the "workaround" is to remove this file attribute and subsequently remove the EFS encryption.
Best regards,
Posted 1 day ago #