New user. Using Windows 7 SP and Boxcryptor 2, unlimited personal license. My Boxcryptor
drive is "P". It has these folders:
TransitoryFiles_encrypted (I created this folder)
Bodcrypter encrypts files I add or copy to the "TransitoryFiles_encrypted"
I added another location using Boxcryptor==>Settings==>Add I added "TempStorage" as
a folder on the "C" drive, i.e. not as a folder in Skydrive.
"TempStorage" appears as a folder in the Boxcryptor "P" drive.
When I copy or save a document to it, the document is not encrypted. I have to
right click==>Boxcryptor==>Encrypt to encrypt the document.
I want to have the copied/saved file encrypted at the time it is added to the
"TemporaryStorage" folder just as is done in the "TransitoryFiles_encryrpted"
When I right click on the "TempStorage" folder and then "Boxcryptor" the only
option displayed in "Settings". There is no "Encrypt folder" option.
I realize that I have omitted/not_done something to cause this to happen, but I
cannot see what it is. Did a search on this forum and a Google search without
any hits.