Hi there,
I use Boxcryptor Classic Unlimited Personal 1.6.400.53 and a Synch script to backup all my personal data to a cloud service (Strato hiDrive).
Synched already about 30GB of data in about 23000 files in 950 folders.
To make sure, that the data access in case of trouble really works, I installed today the Boxcryptor classic app. Chose WebDAV access, chose Strato hiDrive, entered access data and instantly had access to folder structure.
Chose the folder where bc saves the data (three levels down).
Now bc requests the Password. Initially when password request is shown, there is a bargraph and turning wheel with message "mountingbcfolder" visible.
Enter bc password. Basically nothing changes - bargraph, wheel and message do not change. Only PW window again shows default text ("Passwort") - again allows to press cancel and confirm.
How to get the whole thing working and running on my iPad?
Thanks & best regards
PS. By the way - please think about the following:
- showing version number in Windows BC Classic in help menu
- iPad mini landscape does not show text below bargraph when speller is active to enter the bc password at login