Hello all,
Several months ago someone mentioned that you guys might support Bitcasa in the future, but that you had no timeline. Has there been any development in this area?
Hi abrahamvanhelsin,
unfortunately we did not investigate some time for BitCasa + Boxcryptor. Currently we are working on Boxcryptor 2.0 for OS X and Windows Phone 8. Maybe we have some resources next year, to check the problem.
Greetings Gustav
abrahamvanhelsin: You can use SkyCrypt, that has support for Bitcasa and is, in my opinion, better than BoxCryptor.
Tried it multiple times and SkyCrypt crashed continuously when working with Bitcasa; maybe it's just me.
Thanks for the recommendation anyways surfchris.
Here's hoping that BoxCryptor turns its sights to Bitcasa soon.