HTC Sensation
Android: 4.0.3
HTC Sense: 3.6
Boxcryptor Classic v1.5.4 (updated 20 Nov 2013)
ES File Explorer File Manager v3.0.8.0 (updated 18 Dec 2013)
Dropbox v2.3.12 (recently updated)
1Password Reader v1.8.5.2 (updated 17 Dec 2013)
Hi all
I am using Boxcryptor on Android to access an encfs-encrypted folder that holds my 1Password folder (and its files). My primary aim is to ensure that the Dropbox company does not have direct access to my 1Password files (yes, I appreciate that 1Password files are already encrypted, but I'd like to take extra precautions).
Note that I would prefer to be able to access my 1Password files directly using the 1Password Reader, but this 1Password app only allows access to files stored on either Dropbox (ie unencrypted) or the SDCard.
As Boxcryptor does not offer 1Password in the list of applications to open the 1Password files directly, I think my only option is to periodically and manually copy the 1Password folder (including all its files) over to my SDCard and use 1Password to open them from there.
Would someone kindly help me to do this, please? Using Boxcryptor, I find the 1Password folder and go into it. I click the "up arrow" button at the top of the screen (to the right of the new folder button), and I am presented with a list of applications. I choose "ES File Explorer", which seems like the only app that would be suitable, and it shows me a dialog titled, "Choose path" and allows me to browse the SDCard filesystem. I traverse to /mnt/sdcard/My Documents, but the only option available from there is a "Cancel" button at the bottom. There is no "OK" button.
I'd really appreciate some help.
Thank you in advance.