Boxcryptor Classic, 1.6.403.96
on Windows 7 64
After many hours spent on searching the culprit for my problems with Windows 7's VSS service (Volume Shadow Copy), I finally identified it as being Boxcryptor Classic. I could verify on two completely different Win 7 64 machines that - as long as Boxcryptor is active and has mounted an encrypted volume from DropBox - the following VSS commands fail:
C:\>vssadmin list shadows
C:\>vssadmin list shadowstorage
You can find the results of these commands below (taken from a German Win 7 system).
As soon as I deactivate Boxcryptor, the service responds normally again.
As said, this same behavior can be witnessed on multiple machines that are otherwise quite different.
The net result of VSS failing is that several backup solutions that rely on VSS will not work or will throw series of errors in system application log. Affected machines may become extremely laggy during backup processes.
All this is intensely reported on the web for TrueCrypt, but so far I did not find any reports for Boxcryptor.
So, here are my questions:
- Can you reproduce the problem? (Just try the above commands when a Boxcryptor drive is mounted.)
- Do you have a solution or any plans to solve the problem in the near future?
- Does Boxcryptor 2.0 solve the problem? (If so, is there a way to switch my license without paying the enormous recurring fee of the 2.0 version? Quite frankly: they are too high for the scope of the product!)
Thanks for your help.
Jörg Wagner.
C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list shadows
vssadmin 1.1 - Verwaltungsbefehlszeilenprogramm des Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstes
(C) Copyright 2001-2005 Microsoft Corp.
Inhalte der Schattenkopiesatzkennung: {f604eca4-bdc2-4676-a349-ab0cb9b335b2}
1 Schattenkopie(n) war(en) enthalten bei der Erstellungszeit: 29.01.2014 06:1
Fehler: Beim Schattenkopieanbieter ist während der Verarbeitung des
angegebenen Befehls ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten.
C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list shadowstorage
vssadmin 1.1 - Verwaltungsbefehlszeilenprogramm des Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstes
(C) Copyright 2001-2005 Microsoft Corp.
Fehler: Beim Schattenkopieanbieter ist während der Verarbeitung des
angegebenen Befehls ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten.