Boxcryptor classic (W32/1.6.405.102) shows the files inside folders only differing by case wrongly. Steps in order to reproduce the issue :
a) prepare three text files (testa.txt, testb.txt, testc.txt) by renaming
I put only the string "text" in it
b) prepare folder structure :
c) use BoxCryptorClassic to create a keyfile.bcx in \sample\c\example
(an existing .bcx or .encsfs6.xml will do as well)
I used AES256 /w filename encryption.
d) copy resulting keyfile to ..\a ..\b and ..\c (delete \example subfolder)
e) mount ..\a to e.g. m:\ , create folder "TEST" in m:\, copy testa.txt to m:\TEST
f) mount ..\b to e.g. n:\ , create folder "test" in n:\, copy testb.txt and testc.txt to n:\test
g) unmount m:\ and n:\
h} copy encrypted subfolders, in my example : ..\a\lGYDCptg and ..\b\SpvuBVdF to ..\c
i) mount ..\c to x:
The result is as follows :
Not really what you would expect to find in the subfolder.
Means testb.txt and testc.txt are omitted. In other scenarios testa.txt was omitted whilst testb and testc were shown in both folders.
BoxcryptorClassic Portable however shows what you'd expect to see.
Encfswin does its job here as well after renaming the .bcx file to the non-proprietary .encfs6.xml
This problem at first sight might sound academic as Windows' file namespaces are case insensitive but practically is indeed an issue if you use your keyfiles in different locations you wish to join later on without re-encryption(eg. on backups and active drives)
In addition , other filesystems such as MacOS are case sensitive, so it'd be also a matter of portability