I have been using Boxcryptor Classic on my Mac for the last few months. Every day, one or more times a day, the volume(s) will disappear and cannot be remounted, so I lose the work I've been doing on my files because I have to reboot to bring them back online. I thought it was my system, so I migrated to a new Mac and am now experiencing the same problem. I have talk to a friend who is also using Boxcryptor Classic, and he tells me he has this issue sometimes too, but not very often. I am experiencing this every day and need to migrate away from Boxcryptor if we cannot fix this issue -- it's just too painful to keep losing my work.
DETAILS: I am mounting the volumes with Spotlight and as Local Disks because I need to search for files on a regular basis. I am using the latest OS X Fuse 2.6.2 and latest version of Boxcryptor Classic 1.3.4 (177).