A year ago I sent an email to boxcryptor without getting an answer, now I discovered the forums and I'll ask here.
Reading the features and description of boxcryptor makes me salivate, this is exactly the cloud-sync-solution I have been longing for.
But really, FUSE? Just because Windows is braindead enough to have drive letter doesn't mean *nix-based systems should give up a nice filetree.
When you're used to the super-seamless integration of Dropbox, anything less just becomes *meh*.
Is there a chance that you might make boxcryptor work like Dropbox ($$$ from me!!!), or will you keep it hamstrung? Then I can at least stop dreaming... :(
Or am I the only one with this gripe? (sorry for sounding grumpy... having a bad day at the office ;)
best regards