Can anyone make any suggestions for changing permissions in / on the Boxcryptor directory in Mac OS X Mavericks?
I've upgraded to Boxcryptor 2.0.411 from 1.6 and would like to change the group permissions on the Boxcryptor directory.
adz$ ls -ale /Volumes/ | grep Boxcryptor
drwx------@ 22 adz staff 0 24 May 11:08 Boxcryptor
adz$ sudo chmod 775 /Volumes/Boxcryptor
chmod: Unable to change file mode on /Volumes/Boxcryptor: No such file or directory
adz$ ls -l /Volumes | grep Boxcryptor
drwx------@ 22 adz staff 0 24 May 11:08 Boxcryptor
Mhhh, it's there, but it's not there.
If I try to change permissions for files inside the Dropbox:
adz$ sudo chmod 777 /Volumes/Boxcryptor/Dropbox/Cloud
chmod: /Volumes/Boxcryptor/Dropbox/Cloud: No such file or directory
adz$ ls -la /Volumes/Boxcryptor/Dropbox/ | grep Cloud
drwxr-xr-x 11 adz staff 0 22 Apr 23:19 Cloud
With the previous Boxcryptor Classic changing file permissions was possible. Can someone explain how this can be done? Do I need to use ACLs?
Many thanks,