Hi all,
i am currently testing Boxcryptor 2 with box.com storage and IOS (and MacOS) and with google drive storage on Android. Unfortunately i am a little disappointed with the features the IOS-app offers.
On Android nearly every app offers a feature like "send file to boxcryptor". On IOS all i can to is save email attachments to boxcryptor or pictures from within boxcryptor app onto my cloud storage.
Another annoying thing is that i have to put the files into a strangely behaving "dav" folder on IOS using the which i don't see on android (neither on Mac OS and Windows). Files i put "above" (root folder) this folder never appear in the storage (no error message).Files i put into that "dav" folder sync well, but appear within this folder AND above this folder (all on IOS).
Can anyone enlighten me wether this all is a bug or a feature?