I just installed boxcruptor and moved a folder I wanted to encrypt from our server to my dropbox folder. I signed in and select the 'encrypt with boxcryptor' and everything seemed to work fine.
Unfortunately now I cannot access the folder - it whenever I do I get the message that I don't have permission to access the files - and the same happens if I try to access it via the dropbox web interface with the chrome extension installed.
I tried decrypting but this is also forbidden since I don't have permissions.
I am using a Mac with the lastest OS installed. However I did try installing dropbox and boxcryptor on a Windows 7 machine and I couldn't access them their either.
If I check the file permissions using Finder it shoes that they should be read and write.
If I use the BoxCryptor option 'Manage Permissions' then I see my own user in the list but I am unable to alter any of the permissions.
Please help me access my files!