Hi all,
I nees some advice how to bring boxcrypter and owncloud together. Somebody told to follwo https://support.boxcryptor.com/x/HoFN for owncloud integration, but this Link does not contain help for owncloud/webdav at all.
I do have a local C:\anywhere\boxcryptor.bc folder which encrypts its content in Z:\.
I also have a Internet Server which sycs with Z:\ The encrypted files are now on https://myserver/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/
Now i want to decrypt the files from the server to a second PC. Owncloud is running and syncs online content to C:\mylocalOwncloud on the second PC.
Trying to setup the Boxcrypter the second PC is confusing, the manual (v1.6 !) does not help me. How does it work?
client Win7 x64
server Ubuntu 14.04
owncloud 7.0
boxcryptor classic 1.7.409