Holy Moly! I think I figured it out. I have a lot of work to do, but I think I found that I can swap in the various .encfs6.xml files into the various encrypted folders until I get it to load properly and read the files. I seem to have so many to choose from though.
Also, I learned that when I created backup copies of the encryption key files (I seem to have both .encfs6.xml and keyfile.bcx - what is the difference?) I changed the names of the files and that is why I couldn't get the folders to load. Note to self - don't do this! :)
I'm wondering if I actually managed to create an encrypted folder within another encrypted folder?? Is this allowed?
I didn't realize at the time that the encryption key file is is at the base of the encrypted folder itself. When using Google Drive and Dropbox, I somehow ended up with these .xml files in both my Google Drive folder AND my "Boxcryptor Classic.bc" folder (or even my old "Encrypted Files.bc" folders - I was also creating custom names for the folders at one point).
Ok, I'll keep worming to see if I can reconnect each of the appropriate folders with the correct encryption key. Then, I'll copy all the decrypted files into a new folder and then once all are unencrypted, I will re-encrypt the entire folder and be done with it!
Keep your fingers crossed!