Hello, my situation is the following:
* Local account (pc with no internet for security reasons)
* Boxcryptor on shared network folder (boxcryptor installed on client side)
If i try to do the following operations, explorer hangs for a long while and then an error pops up saying "An unexpected error is keeping you from renaming the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.
"Error 0x800704D5: The operation could not be completed. A retry should be performed.
This happens when I:
* Delete any file
* Move any file
Also, if I rename a folder, it takes a really long time. I figured that boxcryptor makes a copy of the folder with the new name and then deletes the old folder.
I think it would be much faster to natively rename the folder only. If I rename the folder in the file share outside boxcryptor, it is very quick.
Renaming encrypted folder through boxcryptor drive: very long time
Renaming encrypted folder through the original mapped drive: fast