Yesterday I complained about problems with cubby locations. They are a little bit more general. My BC locations situation is follows:
1. Multiple unusable (old, detached) cubbies (see my yesterday's post). They clutter the location list and more seriously their names interfere with other potential locations. I can not add a location named the same as another one. The "another" one, however, can not be removed or it can be removed but is automatically added. Another behaviour I encountered: location is created but is inaccessable on the BC drive.
2. Mapped drives. I have 2 mapped drives, which usually won't mount during logon (known Windows bug). No surprise that BC doesn't see them until they are fist opened and thus mounted. Then they appear in the list, but they are not automatically checked (like e.g. Webdav mapped drives). So, when I need to work with an encrypted file on network drive, I have to first make the drive mount (thats obvious) and then always manually check it in locations. At the same time I can not add as a location a folder on the drive because it's a child of a deafult location.
This behavior is confusing. Some locations are added automatically once they are accessable (Webdav, default cloud folders), another ones don't. Some locations are default and cannot be removed (network drives) and only complicate work with folders on them which could otherwise be separate locations. And even the network drives won't be checked by default when the become visible to the system.
I ended up with local cubbies which pretty much annihilates the main reason I use Cubby.