Same problem - I only ever mount a drive when working with a client's data. I use different folders with different passwords to avoid any cross-contamination between projects (only ever one mounted at a time) - 2.0 doesn't support this concept at all. The work-around suggested by support is horrific and still doesn't resolve this issue.
I'd never use the same passwords for different service providers - stupid concept and bad security practice. Such a shame as BC Classic does things properly.
You might want to look at Viivo or Chipershed (formally TrueCrypt) - these will allow multiple mount points and separate passwords for each volume. With CipherShed things like BitSync or DropBox will only update the different segments, so no need to sync entire volumes all the time. CipherShed, however, doesn't support multiple machines opening the same volume at the same time nicely - so, close down before opening on another machine.