regarding the (current) limitation of being able to run Boxcryptor only by one user I have a few questions:
- is there any end in sight, i.e., will a multi-user environment be supported in the near future?
- how can I make this work with the current limitation? Closing Boxcryptor or logging the other user out is not really convenient.
I tried to put the cloud provider's folder into /Users/Shared/... where both users have read and write access but I could not get it to work. It seemed that Boxcryptor on the other user (that didn't run Boxcryptor) was not able to write into that directory. I had "mount for all users" enabled, though.
Also, if I only run the cloud sync software with one user, I don't think it gets synchronized when the other user makes modifications. In my case I am using OneDrive, if that makes a difference.
And a small question regarding the iOS version. Is there any update coming soon? :)
PS: Feel free to answer in German.