Hi Guys,
The announcement https://www.boxcryptor.com/en/blog/post/whisply-release-boxcryptor-update/?utm_campaign=b47b725dfd-2016_7_Whisply_Release_German7_5_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Boxcryptor+Newsletter&utm_term=0_4090e00f75-b47b725dfd-357147805
is textually correct, beautifully worded and all, but in terms of getting information across it is a miserable failure. You are weaving multiple contexts into one paragraph, but forget to explain both.
How Whisply works.
Go to whisp.ly and upload the file you want to send to Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. As a Boxcryptor user you can skip this step, because you can start Whisply in the Boxcryptor drive with right click on a file. You can choose, whether you want to just transfer the encrypted file via plain link, or if you want to add additional password or PIN protection. Security is our main objective. Therefore, PIN- and password protection is available for everyone, no matter if you use Whisply without Boxcryptor, with a free account or with a license.
What's wrong with this:
- You imply use of a browser, but don't specify
- You intermix with boxcryptor, but now the reader is left hanging. Does the sentence "You can choose.." refer to the boxcryptor part or not? The rest of the paragraph is lost to the reader now.
I'm in your camp. I also believe we should have rich and easy tooling to encrypt everything we expose to the Internet.
Cryptography is inherently complex. In order to get the masses to use it, we must democratize encryption by making it simple.
Wording like above does the opposite.
The remedy here is simple.
Split the paragraph. One section is how to use it with browser only, the second section is for boxcryptor users only. A third section is from the receiving end, what if someone sends you a link.
If you can't explain it to your mother, your explanation has failed.
Kind Regards,