Hi I want to hide the Boxcryptor Volume icon on my desktop.
I'm using version 2.33.1015
There is a preference in Boxcryptor->Preferences->Advanced called Mount as fixed drive
if "Mount as fixed drive" is un checked
The boxcryptor volume is mounted as a connected server
if "Mount as fixed drive" is checked
The boxcryptor volume is mounted as an external disk
I have other external disks and connected servers, so i don't want to turn these desktop
icons off through finder prefs.
i have tried:
sudo defaults write com.boxcryptor.osx disableAliases -bool YES
sudo defaults write com.boxcryptor.osx disableDesktopAlias -bool YES
sudo defaults write com.boxcryptor.osx disableSidebarAlias -bool YES
and restarted Boxcryptor.
and although reading the values, i can see they are all = 1
i am still seeing the desktop boxcryptor drive icon
my finder degaults are as I want:
defaults read com.apple.finder ShowExternalHardDrivesOnDesktop --> 1
defaults read com.apple.finder ShowHardDrivesOnDesktop --> 1
defaults read com.apple.finder ShowMountedServersOnDesktop --> 1
I was hoping that as the boxcryptor defaults are having no effect,
i could use:
sudo chflags hidden "/Volumes/Boxcryptor"
(which does nothing)
sudo chflags hidden "/Volumes/Secomba/[username]/Boxcryptor/[my Boxcryptor folder]"
which returns:
chflags: /Volumes/Secomba/[username]/Boxcryptor/[my Boxcryptor folder]
: Permission denied
so I'm now at a dead end.
is there a fix for this ? - it seems like a bug to me.
I feel that the boxcryptor should be able to mount the filesystem with the hidden flag set if required.
many thanks