I'm a new user so maybe I missed something really basic. I am attempting to secure a directory that already exists on Google Drive. In order to do so I completed the following steps:
1. Installed BoxCryptor.
2. Installed Google Drive on my local Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.6).
3. Enabled Google Drive in Boxcryptor
4. Set up a test directory in Google Drive online containing two simple text documents.
5. Followed the instructions for encrypting existing files & folders as seen here: https://support.boxcryptor.com/display/BCOSXEN/4.+Encrypting+and+Decrypting#id-4.EncryptingandDecrypting-2
At this point boxcryptor attempts to encrypt the folder but cannot encrypt the contents. This error message is displayed: "File type not allowed. Google Docs files cannot be encrypted because they are only links to the Google Docs website."
Thanks for any suggestions.