I use BoxCryptor with Dropbox. When I run a program that compiles a report using several .png-files (which are stored in Dropbox) I get an error message "Could not access xy.png - file is used by another application").
This application seems to be BoxCryptor. If I shut Dropbox down it will still not work. Next, I access the application via the original Dropbox path instead of the encrypted X: drive BoxCryptor created. It's a non-encrypted folder in my dropbox. No success, either. Only when I close BoxCryptor will the report run without problems.
My theory: The reporting software tries to access the PNG but BoxCryptor monitors the file somehow and blocks it (maybe a timeout because BC is too slow?). Maybe the reporting software tries to eccess the png twice and boxcryptor grabs the file after the first time to check whether it has been changed? However, I wouldn't expect BC to handle files in non-encrypted folders when they are directly accessed via the Dropbox folders?
It's a bit annoying to have to close BC everytime I want to run that report. Is there any other way to get around this?