Oh, and my neat way to use netguard to minimize data useage (so I actually have fast data when I need it)
My NetGuard & Data Use Minimization System is below just for those who want some ideas (might require Android 7, not sure, used to be CustomROM & Root to achieve similar results, recently upgraded and avoiding Root etc for now)
1. I'm using NetGuard, mostly in "lockdown mode" and I have Boxcryptor, Whatsapp, Signal etc setup as "allow in lockdown mode", i.e. apps that don't waste my high speed data and are important to me.
2. I go out of "lockdown mode" for an extended functionality; the apps which haven't had mobile data disabled in NetGuard also get to work (other communication apps, other travel related apps, calendar, generally all things which are still low data usage).
3. If I want to use you tube/google maps etc I enable them manually while I wish to use them, then disable them again.
4. I use OruxMaps most of the time (removed from playstore now, but apk online), I also download large areas from Google Maps and use their direction + traffic services after enabling data for GMaps on occasion. The data usage is very reasonable with the maps already downloaded.
NOTE: I'm not affiliated with any of the above, I'm just very happy with the system I've worked out since upgrading to an S7 two days ago and I'm sure there are people wanting to do something similar, I had to dig quite a bit to find enough information to realise something like this is possible without root nowadays, and that I don't really need root anymore *for my purposes*
(didn't want to lose encryption on the S7, which seems unavoidable if you Root/CustomROM) :)