I recently wiped my PC and reinstalled Windows 10, boxcryptor and all other apps and data. I use Boxcryptor to encrypt select folders in my Google Drive and my local Documents folder. After syncing Google Drive folders with Google's Backup and Sync utility I have access to all old encrypted files. I also created a new test subfolder and saved a Word document in it and it was successfully encrypted. While everything seems functional so far none of the folders display a padlock. Not even the new test subfolder I just created. Also, I no longer see the files with a .bc suffix when looking at the files "natively" outside of the boxcryptor view. But now windows seems understand they are boxcryptor files. Am I doing something wrong?
I did not seem to think I should "encrypt" a folder that is also encrypted and technically things seem to be "working" but nothing looks like it did before. Including no X drive, just the Boxcryptor "drive".
Please advise.