I use rclone to syn from 1 google drive to another.
It dont touch the boxcryptor mechanism,
it just sync the files from 1 to another.
During which it display:
2018/03/11 17:56:49 ERROR : bc-ed/2cp/201803xx/20180306-144800-bc01-iat006-cmu/d
rv-u/u_log.mmap.bak.7z.bc: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: bad res
ponse: 500: 500 Internal Server Error
SUPPOSE I am using the paid version and the file is indeep encrypted,
how do I know which encrypted file #$%^&*$%^& is corrupted/with problem?
currently with free version+unencrypted file name, I simply delete this file and re-upload this file.