DropBox and other tools like it have a usefulness to allow files (data) to be moved between devices. A file can be created or updated on one device (like a desktop PC) and then viewed or amended on a second (or third…and so on)as long as the log in permissions are correct.
I have found that a file encrypted using Boxcryptor is a dangerous thing for you the end user. Unless I am making a huge mistake in how I use Boxcryptor.
In my test I created a basic txt file on my desktop PC within the Boxcryptor\dropbox base (root )area and encrypted it.
On my laptop I opened my dropbox drive (folder) and tried to open the newly created text file, it couldn’t read the file as expected. So I messed with the file extensions to see if that would “do something” it did. The altered file was copies back to my main desktop PC making it unreadable
If I am going about it all wrong please let me know.
Regards Ducktape