I have this script to automount my BoxCryptor folder (Dropbox encryption) in Ubuntu. Everything works fine when I run it from the command line, but...when I place this in my "Startup Applications" it doesn't work.
Contents of boxcryptor-automount.sh
sleep 3
set timeout 1
spawn encfs /home/j/Dropbox/Encrypted.bc/ /home/j/BoxCryptor
expect 'EncFS Password:'
send "mypassword\r"
Command line in Ubuntu Startup Applications:
/usr/bin/expect /home/j/boxcryptor-auto/boxcryptor-automount.sh
Any ideas? I have it listed last in the Startup Applications List (I put a z in front of the Name figuring maybe it needed to run last, but that didn't help). BTW, its Ubuntu 12.04.