see this link, to file in dropbox
I am usig SYNCOVERY (a SYNC program) to copy my D: drive, to BOXCRYPTOR X: drive (it is in my m: drive usb connected, usb 3 connection)
currently, I have copied 20,000 out of 97,000 files, only 3.2 GB out of 84 GB.
it has taken 18 hours so far, and the estimated time is about 5 more days.
if I did this without Boxcrypting, I'd have it done in about 1 day.
I have multiple ways of backing up. I do a local backup to a USB drive (no encryption) - I back up to the cloud (with encryption)
and couple other various ways.
SO, I thought I'd try to do a BOXCRYPTED drive. this way, the external USB is encrypted, and If I ever need it in an emergency, I could REMOVE it, take it with me, the files are encrypted, but easily mounted/retrieved through an emergency notebook.
BUT, I could also use TrueCrypt/Veracrypt, to do this, and it goes much faster
I have read boxcryptor's philosophy about not caring as much about the speed, versus versatility of the files, and I can understand this, and I do know that once I have the external USB Boxcrypted, then incremental additions will not take as long.
BUT, a 5 day window for 84 gig ??? I know there are multiple operations per file (I upload/boxcrypt the file, and it also does a VERIFICATION once completed), but again , 5 days?
just my humble observtions