Many years I used Boxcryptor classic on Windows 7. Few days ago my laptop broken, looks like ssd die...
I have all files in Dropbox, everything saved! And file encfs6.xml also I have. And password I know. Looks like everything is good! But no!!!!!!!! I can't recover nothing!
I found here information that I can recover files through portable Boxryptor classic on Windows 10. I tried everything! But everytime it saying: "This is not a valid Boxryptor Classic Folder."
Also I tried on friend's laptop with windows 7, also it say same: "This is not a valid Boxryptor Classic Folder." And when I try to create new Boxryptor folder it did not see Dropbox, but it is installed.
DEVELOPERS YOU NEED TO ADD IN FAQ HOW TO RECOVER FILES FROM BOXRYPTOR CLASSIC! You need to give us easy soft to just recover files! I'm licence member and I really need to recover files, please help!!!
PS. Also have question, if Dropbox Boxryptor cant see, if I will try others (Google Drive, etc) is it possible to recover files created with Dropbox on others platforms?