• Windows Linux Subsystem and Mounting a Boxryptor Drive

I was trying to mount boxryptor under WLS and found a thread with some info but it had some spam in it and no one would see the solution I found that works


---begin doesn't work:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>mklink /D c:\x x:\
symbolic link created for c:\x <<===>> x:\

Then in WSL:

wild@art-pc:~$ ls /mnt/c/x/ -a
---end doesn't work

This does, the filesystem plugin,

sudo mkdir /mnt/x
sudo mount -t drvfs x: /mnt/x

a month later

Thank you so much for sharing this post, I appreciate your work.

    3 years later


    THANK YOU! I was just looking for this same problem as I was trying to use some GNUTools with WSL and noticed the X: drive was my only system mount point missing. The above commands worked perfectly, thanks again!

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