I just noticed that boxcryptor created a folder the name of which are in chinese characters, and there a few .bc files inside the names of which are in chinese characters. What is this?
Hello ahumbleuser,
the "chines characters" indicates an enabled file name encryption in Boxcryptor. Please check the settings ("Security" tab) if enabled (globally).
Best, Yasmin
In the android app "enable filename encryption" is not checked.
It's a completely new folder. I just noticed it in the Google Drive directly, it is not one of the folders I sync using boxcryptor and does not appear in the boxcryptor app.
Well, then it's the "Boxcryptor Photos" folder which is automatically created when you turn on the camera upload - in case you use the new Android version. By default, the folder and all its content is file name encrypted.
Thanks for this! Now I see!