Hello, I use Boxcryptor (win10) with Dropbox and am having problems with 1 folder. It seems that all the files are unable to be opened. I would say that they are corrupted, but it seems odd that it is only with one of my folders.
When I open one of the files (any of these files) via BC using Notepad, I see what appears to be the BC header information (See below). It appears to be what I'd see in a xxx.bc file.
I had that foder synced 'locally' with dropbox on an old development laptop, so I'm questioning whether it's possible that these somehow were encrypted twice? Is that possible, and what process would I go through to decrypt them?
Here's an example of the header data I see in an excel file "BOOK2.xlsx" when I open it in notepad.
bc01! ¯ ’l¶Tš¥€ †€(‚H[•ñ;þ:ÉwYƒ©EŒY¯{"artifact":"header","cipher":{"algorithm":"AES","IvBytes":"8/sAk5WvdAzNcp1Aw1t+lw==","mac":{"enabled":false},"mode":"CBC","padding":"PKCS7","keySize":256,"blockSize":4096,"iv":"8/sAk5WvdAzNcp1Aw1t+lw=="},"metadata":{"name":{"encrypted":false,"value":"Book2.xlsx.bc"}},"version":1,"encryptedFileKeys":[{"type":"data","id":"2309120856747115994","value":"PLU9AL1bt7+RLIR1IeoDicrbRG6tBV2LoNRxrwQP3SLfjjhy1OyAfXQxtgpx0O8/hOJUYWkSFuBk4uXJhxqzlQtNAiX1aA6HX96ey4a35/fxcT+lLMfc8cIvlXAJitDk93-----------------ripmStNhb7HG92bEK4WiO/xyV4Pv4qms4JjFjHo+b4o4DsAJ+6IcnLJAiKQkUzKGgzLKhzM9u8Uc+v-----------------yWzdGHmO5DEKOTf91dNZmY3s49BNPenInIGWBnBRJoJhRJhxbZAKnIzn6GwriSLRbGibFEEn-------------------------ZRKg=","Unlocked":true}]}
ED: Ignore the "------------------" characters as I didn't want to potentially post any keys.