Hi i have the following problem
after logging in google, an identity check is requested, which is confirmed on the smart phone with "yes". After clicking on "YES" you have to confirm another check to click on one of 3 numbers to end the process on the smart phone. After the smart phone has also approved the registration, but the window in the Boxcrytor dont refresh and keep in the last process of idtentity check where you have to confirm the one number of three. So im stuck on the last process and cant use my google drive anymore, lucky me i still have an backup with my old Boxcrytpor version ( where my login is alrdy saved.
Reproducing the issue:
1.Choose in Boxcryptor google drive.
2.Enter login information
3.Confirm with smartphone the first google identity check with "yes"
4.Comfirm with smartphone the second google check and click one same number which you see on you Boxcrytpor window.