Hello, I have an annoying behavior related to waking up after getting to sleep in combination with Boxcryptor Business v2.39.1135 on Dropbox v96.4.172. I use the Smart sync feature, meaning that Dropbox puts all my files by default online and never local unless I manually request this or automatically when it is needed e.g. to show the content of a file. Also a VPN is involved in my setup, and I tried both ProtonVPN and NordVPN both using the OpenVPN UDP protocol, but without any noticeable difference.
The problem is as follows (my laptop runs on Windows 10 Pro v10.0.18363.815):
- my laptop has an active VPN, Boxcryptor and Dropbox connection, and goes to sleep.
- I want the laptop to get awake and so I press the power button.
- The VPN takes about 2 minutes to become active again and the Dropbox icon changes from grey (not connected) to white (connected).
- I try using the internet browser and it works, so there is an active internet connection.
- I try to open a file (offline) by double clicking on its name in windows explorer but I get an error message of both Boxcryptor and of Dropbox in this sequence:
- Boxcryptor says that I am offline and should go to online mode to retrieve this file (meaning that Boxcryptor is not aware that the internet connection is active again);
- Dropbox says something similar: "Smart Sync Download - Failed to download '[filename.extension].bc'. Dropbox is having trouble connecting.".
I exit'ed both Boxcryptor and Dropbox, and restarted them but this did not help either. Only after waiting for more than 10 minutes the connection worked again via Boxcryptor and Dropbox, although the internet connection was active all of the time and reachable via a browser.
The problem must be related with the way the VPN (re)connects, because without VPN the connection was almost immediately re-activated after resuming from sleep and available for retrieving offline files via Boxcryptor and Dropbox as well.
Is there a solution for not having to wait >10 minutes after resuming from sleep to use my offline files via my VPN?
Is it an issue with Boxcryptor or with Dropbox? It is not clear for me, although the 1st error message is always from Boxcryptor.