I recently attempted to use Cryptomator (not Boxcryptor) to encrypt my files in OneDrive, and ran into an issue: OneDrive has a "ransomware detection" feature that currently cannot be disabled that flagged the encrypted files as potentially captured by ransomware. Apparently this feature requires that the flagged files be removed from OneDrive within 30 days of being flagged; the notification stated "If you don't restore the compromised files within 30 days from the ransomware attack, the files won't be recoverable."
My question is: will OneDrive flag files encrypted by Boxcryptor as potentially captured by ransomware the same way it flagged files encrypted by Cryptomator? If not, why not? Note that I would like to encrypt filenames in addition to file contents. I don't know whether that has any impact on OneDrive's ransomware detection, but it might.